Friday, July 19, 2013

July 19 - Early morning in Middleton, WI

Today's ride was only 40 miles but felt a lot longer with lots of hill climbing. On one road I noticed a warning for trucks with a downhill grade of 8.7 One of our riders recorded 45 mph on her odometer. I reached a speed of 32 mph and that was scary enough for me.

The first ferry crossing on the trip was today at Merrimack, which crossed Lake Wisconsin. Minion had as much fun on the ferry as the bikers!

Since we had a shorter ride with time to spare, we stopped in the town of Lodi for ice cream. Can you image me eating raspberry chocolate ice cream at 10:30 in the morning?

Beautiful scenery and lots of farms. Ziva and I kept looking for "real cows" this time and stopped to get closer.


  1. Ice cream can be eaten anytime within a 24-hour day. It's the perfect food.

  2. I cannot agree more :) And yes I can definitely picture you happily eating ice cream in the morning as a reward for cycling so much! You've earned it!
