Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Arrival in Minneapolis

We took the light rail from the airport into the city. The usual hustle and noise of the city did not exist. I suddenly realized that there were no cars on Nicollett Street, only a few buses and lots of bicycles. I had read that Minneapolis was the #1 bike friendly city in America. The greenways are used all year for commuters, even in frigid weather with snow covered paths.

Most major cities have city bikes that are rented instantly with a credit card and moved from bike station to destination and returned. I love the creative brand "Nice Ride" on the side of the bicycle.


  1. Hi Susie: You look ready to conquer the world. Enjoy the city. I wish more cities and towns were so bike friendly. Maybe we'd all get skinny. Take care. Lee

  2. I'd like to contribute to Parkinson's in your honor. I don't see a link on your blog. How is the best way to do it so you'll get recognition.

    Good luck with your ride.

