Sunday, July 13, 2014

July13 - Cycling to Chicoutimi

The warning today was that the first eight miles of hills would be as steep as the day we entered the Saquenay region. Yes, the warning was correct.  However, Ken and Nancy forgot to tell as about the more difficult climbs closer to our destination at Chicoutimi!

I finally picked up a map today'  I can now track the upcoming routes for the next week and figure out where we have been. I was confused because I didn't do my homework and first map out the trip. This region of Quebec is 100% French and the locations are difficult to pronounce and remember.

Basically, we crossed over by ferry to the region of Saguenay and are following the Saguenay River, which leads to Lac Saint-Jean. We'll start cycling around the lake tomorrow and then head back on the north side of the Saguenay River until we reach Tadoussac.  From this location, we will take the ferry back to St. Simeon and cycle back along the St. Lawrence to Quebec City.

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