In 2010 I cycled 3,000 miles from Seattle to Niagara Falls, Canada, in eight weeks. At that time I was unable to complete the last eight days of the trip across country because I had to be in New York for work. I had waited three years for Ken and Nancy to organize another cross country trip and decided not just to complete the ride from Niagara, which would have been 400 miles to Vermont from Niagara, but to cycle 1600 from Minneapolis to Cambridge. Today I completed my dream with cyclists from 2008, 2010, and 2012. The end of the evening was a celebration of this accomplishment with new friends. This incredible journey on a bicycle has bonded us for a lifetime.
By the way, we finally named our team "The Corner Gang". The reason for the team name is that we wait at every turn for each other, so that we are always together as we follow our cue sheet and no one gets lost. Today we had 105 directions for a 59 mile ride so you can imagine how many turns were part of this day and how many times we checked on each other.
Thanks again to Ken and Nancy for helping me make my dream come true. I only hope that I can inspire others to follow their dream, whatever it might be, either by bike, by car, by boat, by foot, or by plane.
Wow - congrats! Loved the blog!