Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Toast to Ziva and Me

On Saturday evening, Ziva and I had another surprise from our Havarah. The group toasted us with champagne and gave us a Merlot with a Red Bicyclette 2008 label.


  1. What a huge challenge! As a person diagnosed with Parkinson's Desease I thank you. I would like to make a small contribution. Can I do it through your blog? Oh, BTW, you might want to change the title over the two bottles of wine to "To Ziva and me" vice to Ziva and I (Object of the preposition to). Kim Lutz

  2. wish I were with you!June 16, 2010 at 6:52 PM

    Go Susan and Ziva!
    I am so proud of you both for raising all the money and the wonderful adventure you are going on. Have fun. Karen
