Thursday, August 7, 2014

August 7 - Donations to Parkinson's Disease

I want to thank my friends and family for continuously supporting me in my effort each year "to make a difference." Contributions of over $4000 to the Parkinson's Foundation of Greater Washington this year will help fight this awful disease that others like my brother Michael fight every day.

Today I received another donation and was deeply touched. My friend thanked ME for all I do for this very important foundation.  It is I who should be thanking you for helping me make my dreams come true.

I don't know where I will travel on my bicycle next year but welcome another challenge in 2015 when I reach the age of 70.  When I was younger, I visualized anyone who reached this age as gray haired, wrinkled and perhaps wheelchair bound.  Now I know it's a bicycle that will keep me forever young.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 5 - On our way Home

This morning Robin invited us to join her class, Yoga on the Beach, on the shore of Lake George. What a wonderful way to start the day! I could be hooked on yoga forever after this experience.

August 4 - Cycling into Quebec City

Our last ride into the city took only three hours. Our route began with 18 miles on a limestone/dirt "rails to trails" path followed by18 miles of asphalt, all along route verge 5 and 6.

The Canadian route system enabled us to cycle into a busy, conjested city without dealing with traffic. For our safety, we took a designated bicycle detour when there was construction on the road. The bike detour took us through local neighborhoods and back to the trail. I have never seen a detour sign specifically for bicycles on all my travels in the United States and Europe.

Upon our arrival at the hotel I had hoped that my 15 year old Honda Odyssey would start after a month's time. I was lucky but Kassandra was not.  Ken and John did their magic with jumper cables.

Our trip to the half way point at Lake George took longer than expected after getting lost leaving Quebec and spending extra time waiting in line to cross the border into the United State.
We were happy to finally arrive in Lake George and received a warm welcome from cousins Robin and Bert. They had followed my entire journey on this blog and we had great fun showing photos again and talking about the trip.

Robin asked a typical question, "What was the favorite part of the trip?" My response was that every day had something special. However, what I admired about Canada was their development of a safe and successful route system for cyclists.  It is possible to cycle anywhere in Canada with these designated route signs and continue to "smell the roses". We never rushed to get from point A to point B and took the time to explore the land and experience the diversity of French Canadians in the Province of Quebec.

August 4 - Morning of our Last Day

This morning we cycled 36 miles to complete the loop in Quebec City. I realized that I never photographed our friends that joined us on the Montreal route. So, better late than never.

Sierra, age 18, had never cycled before the trip and was extremely proud of her mileage today. Jim Conway cycled on his new a crank forward recumbent bicycle.  After a hip and two knee replacements, he was able to cycle every mile. Bill Fortune from Lexington cycled daily with his friend Jim. Jim and Bill cycled across country in 2008, a bond that will last them a lifetime.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

August 3 - Bridge Crossings to Saint-Raymond

Each bridge crossing the Saint-Ann River was a photo opportunity. After this last bridge, I walked down a path to the river, rested, and reflected upon the wonderful month that I had spent on my bike touring the province of Quebec.

August 3 - Cycling to Saint-Raymond

The group departed the Auberge du Manoir Dauth in Saint-Anne-de-la-Perade for the second time. Luckily, the skies were clear after the tremendous storm during the night and the roads dry. Our route was short, only 36 miles, but full of stops along the way to "smell the roses". The route crossed back and forth over River Saint-Anne
We stopped frequently to photograph the bridges, the river, the raspberry fields, and the alpacas.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

August 2 - Art Exposition in Champlain

How lucky to find such talented artists along the route. Today was the opening of the art show and all the artists were working in their booths. I was fascinated by some of the techniques used by the painters and sculpture artists. The paintings I liked most were very similar to Andre Coppens' style that I first admired at Auberge Harris.